Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Day Four

Day Four was the last day of our mission work.  We had each received a gift of a new set of Indian clothes from our hosts, so as we gathered together, we were surprised by the colors and styles of all the new outfits. We wore them as an honor to our hosts, Dr. BVR Rao and his organization.

We were able to finish the pastors conference and distribute the gifts graciously provided by people of First Baptist church.

While the pastor's conference was finishing, each was seen by the medical team along with additional villagers from the surrounding area. 

After lunch we had some time to relax and then visited one of the Ghandi Memorials on top of one of the local mountains. It provided breathtaking views of the city, but it also difficult to realize that 45% of the people live in the slums, which equates to severe poverty. We feel as though we have done as much as we could in the short time given, but the opportunity is there to do so much more.

Tomorrow is a tourist day, with a trip to the Bay of Bengal and opportunity for some shopping and additional sight seeing.

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