Saturday afternoon we visit the Seminary to meet Dr Kunjamon Chacko. We visit the
classrooms where Team 1 taught the classes and met daily. Remember the little blurb about a week ago stating we made it, we’re here, talk later. It was sent from my iPad sitting on the steps in the hallway just before we left for the Children’s home. (Didn’t know that would be the last Internet until I got back to JFK Airport) At the Seminary we were treated to home grown pineapple, and banana nut bread. We then headed over to the Children’s Home to meet the wonderful children and have an evening with them. We arrived and the children gathered to meet us. They sang a song to us as we prepared to give them gifts we brought.
The courtyard
Meeting and greeting all the precious Children
Evening worship at the school. Songs were sung, roll was called and MANY were blessed.
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