Thursday, February 22, 2018

Day Five

Today was our tourist day and it turned out to be an adventure. We took a train to the Bay of Bengal and had the opportunity to visit the beach. The trip down and the beach were both certainly different than what the US offers.

After lunch we had the opportunity to do some shopping, including a grocery store and an open air walk-through Indian market. 

We have all become quite accustomed to the density of people and the constant stream of horns as people move about, although crossing the street through the oncoming traffic is a skill that some of us have yet to master. Tomorrow we will begin our journey back. As at the beginning, we ask for your prayers for a safe, uneventful trip home.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Day Four

Day Four was the last day of our mission work.  We had each received a gift of a new set of Indian clothes from our hosts, so as we gathered together, we were surprised by the colors and styles of all the new outfits. We wore them as an honor to our hosts, Dr. BVR Rao and his organization.

We were able to finish the pastors conference and distribute the gifts graciously provided by people of First Baptist church.

While the pastor's conference was finishing, each was seen by the medical team along with additional villagers from the surrounding area. 

After lunch we had some time to relax and then visited one of the Ghandi Memorials on top of one of the local mountains. It provided breathtaking views of the city, but it also difficult to realize that 45% of the people live in the slums, which equates to severe poverty. We feel as though we have done as much as we could in the short time given, but the opportunity is there to do so much more.

Tomorrow is a tourist day, with a trip to the Bay of Bengal and opportunity for some shopping and additional sight seeing.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Day Three

Day three was another very busy day. The pastors conference started and several members of the team taught the pastors. The lessons included how we should live our life from Philippians, 8 life lessons from the book of Esther and an analysis of church politics. We even taught them a few yoga poses and exercises to strengthen their body as well as their minds. 

While the pastor's conference was happening, the rest of the group did a medical clinic for the local town population.

After lunch, we rode out the Chevuturu where we dedicated a well that was paid for by one of or team members. We also did another medical clinic for the towns people around the well.  Between the two clinics, we provided medical service for approximately 160 people.

We also found out that our team's visit, along with pictures, were featured in the local newspaper yesterday.  Tomorrow we will conclude the pastor's conference as well as provide a medical clinic to the pastors themselves.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Day 2

Today was an adventurous day. We spent a fair amount of time traveling between sights on some very bumpy, twisty roads.  We were told we went 25 miles during one two hour stint. We started by visiting a tube well project and dedicating the well and praying for the people and church at the site.  This well provided the approximately 2,500 residents with sweet water as opposed to salty water.

Next we traveled down to a different well site and participated in a ribbon cutting ceremony and inaugural activation of a water filtration system and reservoir.  This system would provide Florine-free water (we were told Florine causes joint and organ issues in the residents so this would greatly improve their lives).

This filtration system will help provide clean water to a town of around 3000 people.

Finally, we performed a medical clinic in the neighborhood.   It was a most unique experience and proof that God's work can be done in less than ideal circumstances.

So far, thing are going well and we start the pastor's conference tomorrow.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Day 1

The Mission Team has made it to India safe and sound. We arrived yesterday afternoon, and with the exception of some long security and immigration lines, the trip was safe and boring. We checked into the hotel, then got a chance to see Bhavani Island, a small island with a very unique activity park where we were as much of an attraction to the local people as the park was.  Afterwards, we began what probably would have been a wonderful dinner that was going to be very slow, and when some of us started going to sleep at the table, we had to abandon. 

This morning we began with a worship service at the Vijayawada Prayer Fellowship where we helped lead a worship for around 150 disadvantaged children and their teachers. The children sang and danced for us, then our group sang and led worship, including teaching the children Zacheus was a wee little man and how to play four corners.  Afterwards, we had time to socialize and make new friends and give each child and teacher a small gift.  

Afterward, we went and did a medical clinic where we saw almost 100 people and offered medical advice and diagnosis from our team of medical professionals.

Finally, we went to a outdoor, night time Gospel Meeting near one of the wells installed by Pure Water Initiative. Again we helped lead the service and dedication of the well followed by a dinner at the home of the pastor and his wife. 

It is just after 11 pm here and it has been a very long day and we are still jet lagged.  Thanks to all for their support and prayers.  Tomorrow we have another medical clinic, and visit/dedicate two more well projects.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

On Our Way

We have begun our trip.  Most of the group met at the church and we are at the airport where the rest of the group met us. The first flight leaves in just over an hour. Thanks to everyone for all the prayers and support. Please keep it up. 

Saturday, February 10, 2018

India Trip 2018

It is almost time for our next Mission Trip. On February 15th, 2018, a team of 16 people will depart for a 9 day trip to India.  During our trip we will be hosting a pastor's conference, leading six medical clinics, visiting water project sites, leading gospel meetings and spending time with 250 children. We are looking forward to this exciting opportunity to serve others as the hands and feet of Christ and to spread his gospel.

We will leave Thursday afternoon and will travel approximately 32 hours to reach our final destination of the city of Vijayawada, in the state of Andra Pradesh in India. See below.

We will have Saturday afternoon to rest and orient ourselves and then we begin with Church on Sunday morning and then begin our mission activities Sunday afternoon.

This blog will serve as our primary means of informing people about the trip. We will try to update it as much as internet (and perhaps electricity) allows.

As we complete our final preparations for the trip, we covet your prayers. Specifically we ask for you to pray for easy and safe travel, good health, and good fellowship and camaraderie. But above all we ask for God to prepare our team, and the people we will be serving so that He will be glorified during our trip.